Parallel Environments
This article will clarify the purpose of various parallel environments (PEs) for Grid Engine.
Programs which do parallel execution, either using threads/OpenMP or using MPI, need to request multiple slots in a PE. Besides ensuring the proper number of CPU cores (aka slots) are allocated, a PE may set up the environment for MPI programs which run on multiple physical nodes.
Threads, OpenMP, Open MPI, MVAPICH2, MPI, Hybrid MPI-OpenMP
All of these are ways to run in parallel. Running in parallel means that more than one operation is performed at the same time.
Computer CPU Hardware
This will be a vastly simplified explanation, which may not match exactly to reality. Generally speaking, a compute core performs one operation/instruction at a time. This one at a time execution is serial. (There are complications now, e.g. vector operations, pipelining.) Modern central processing units (CPUs, aka socket) have multiple identical compute cores. This allows one CPU to perform multiple instructions at the same time. Moreover, the nodes in Proteus have multiple sockets, increasing the number of simultaneous operations that can be performed.
There is also Hyper-Threading, but that is not enabled on Proteus nodes because they compromise performance for compute-intensive (as opposed to memory- or io-intensive) jobs.
Threads and OpenMP
A thread is a sequence of operations. (See wiki:Thread computing) for more detail.) Threads are software-level objects. The computer's operating system may run multiple threads, by quickly switching from one to the other. For instance, one may run more applications at the same time (word processor, spreadsheet, music player, web browser, etc.) than there are processor cores. (A typical laptop has 2 to 4 CPU cores.) The operating system accomplishes this by switching from one to the other. Since these are all user-oriented programs, and the switching happens quickly, it is not noticeable to the end-user.
For compute-intensive applications, however, such switching is detrimental to performance. So, each thread is assigned to one CPU core. Note, that this is an idealization. The operating system itself (Linux, Windows, MacOS) has many processes running all the time to manage things such as network connections, video display, logging, etc.).
OpenMP is a specification for a set of computer language extensions which simplify the task of writing multi-threaded applications.[1] OpenMP programs are just multi-threaded programs.
A multithreaded program just appears as a single program in Linux: if you run "ps" or "top", you will only see one process with one process ID. The CPU usage may be greater than 100%, indicating that the program is running multithreaded.
The Message Passing Interface (MPI)[2] is a standardized library and Application Programming Interface (API) for writing parallel programs which can run on multiple physical computers connected by some networking.[3] As the name implies, this parallelism is accomplished by separate compute processes which pass messages to each other. These messages may be bundle up some set of values, or they may be synchronization messages, or some other types of messages.
Open MPI[4], MVAPICH[5], and MPICH[6] are implementations of the MPI standard. Note that OpenMP and Open MPI are completely unrelated. (However, one may write hybrid MPI-OpenMP or MPI-threaded, programs.)
MPI programs are run by using the mpirun command. The mpirun
command launches multiple copies of the "base" program. The number of
copies is user-controllable. The optimal number is one per CPU core.
Each of these copies has their own process ID: if you do a "ps" or "top"
you will see these as separate programs. These separate instances
communicate by passing messages to each other.
Hybrid MPI-OpenMP
Hybrid MPI-OpenMP programs are those where these individual copies
spawned by mpirun
are multithreaded. If you choose to use the Open MPI
implementation of MPI, you would have a hybrid Open MPI-OpenMP program.
Aside on Neural Networks
While the conceptual description of neural networks seems to imply that each layer "passes a message" to the next, in practice, the entire network is a single array operation. This is because the "message" from one layer to the next is merely a vector of floating-point values. So, neural networks are generally not MPI. This is not to say that a neural network may not be written as an MPI application.
Multithreaded and OpenMP Applications
Multithreaded and OpenMP applications, e.g. Python scripts, Perl scripts, some Matlab scripts, should request the shm PE.
Memory Requests
Treat m_mem_free
and h_vmem
as per-slot values. So, if you scale
up your job by increasing the number of requested slots, but not
increasing the amount of data each thread handles, you can leave these
values alone.
m_mem_free a node must have (m_mem_free * NSLOTS) of memory free in order to run this job
h_vmem the job's vmem usage cannot exceed (h_vmem * NSLOTS)
MPI Applications
Request one of the following PEs:
openmpi_shm PE for Open MPI jobs which run only on a single node; this is new (Mar 2017)
openmpi_ib PE for Open MPI jobs which run on multiple nodes; slots are assigned in "fill up" order
openmpi_ib_rr PE for Open MPI jobs which run on multiple nodes; slots are assigned in "round robin" order
fixedNN PEs for Open MPI jobs which run on multiple nodes, where the number of slots per node are fixed at NN per node
Memory Requests
Both m_mem_free
and h_vmem
are per-slot values
m_mem_free a node must have (m_mem_free * no. of slots granted on that node) of memory free in order to run this job
h_vmem the job's total vmem usage cannot exceed (h_vmem * no. of slots granted on that node)
Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Applications
Hybrid MPI-OpenMP applications should follow the same guidelines as MPI applications above.
Application-Specific PEs
There are applications which require special environment setups for parallel execution: Matlab, Abaqus, STAR-CCM+, Apache Spark. Please use the appropriate PE for each.
[1] OpenMP FAQ- What is OpenMP?
[2] wiki:Message Passing Interface
[3] MPI Forum - the standardization forum for MPI
[4] Open MPI - open source MPI implementation
[5] MVAPICH - high-performance MPI implementation from Ohio State University
[6] MPICH - high-performance and portanle MPI implementation