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Stata in Jupyter

Jupyter allows for language kernels other than Python. Stata 17 allows running Stata within Python using pystata.[1]

Stata Version

This works for Stata 17. This makes use of Stata’s pystata Python package.[2] N.B. DO NOT install pystata using pip. The pystata package in PyPI (Python Package Index) is not from StataCorp.

The pystata package provides a few "magic commands" which allow Python to call Stata. This is how Stata runs within a Python notebook.


VS Code Jupyter setup

This requires that you have VS Code set up to use remote Jupyter kernels. See: Jupyter via VS Code

We will use the following Python version (Jupyter is a Python application; the Jupyter kernel can be other languages):

[juser@picotte001 ~]$ module load python/gcc/3.10

Stata installation location

You will need to make a note of the installation location of Stata, given by the environment variable STATA_SYSDIR.

[juser@picotte001 ~]$ module load stata
[juser@picotte001 ~]$ echo $STATA_SYSDIR

Run Jupyter Lab server and create notebook

At the shell prompt in the same terminal:

[juser@picotte001 ~]$ jupyter-lab
... lots of messages ...
    To access the server, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

Copy one of the URLs shown, and paste into a browser on your PC. You should see a new Jupyter Lab launcher:


VS Code may also show a popup asking if you want to open a browser using the forwarded port: click "Open in Browser", and you should see Jupyter Lab.

Click the "Python" button to create a new Python notebook. In the notebook, set up for Stata using the STATA_SYSDIR value:

[1]: import stata_setup
[2]: stata_setup.conf('/ifs/opt/stata/mp48/17', 'mp')



The notebook file created resides on Picotte, not on your PC.

Installation Instructions

These instructions are if you are using a different Python, i.e. not the python/gcc/3.10 modulefile.

All that is needed is the stata_setup package available via pip.[3][4]

[juser@picotte001 ~]$ pip install --user stata_setup


[1] Official Stata Website - New in Stata 17 - Jupyter Notebook with Stata

[2] Stata Documentation - pystata

[3] pystata Documentation - Configuration

[4] PyPI - stata-setup