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Python is a scripting language.[1]

Python 2 End of Life

Python 2 reached its end of life on January 1st, 2020[2][3] The statement from Guido van Rossum is reproduced here:

Let's not play games with semantics. The way I see the situation for 2.7 is that EOL is January 1st, 2020, and there will be no updates, not even source-only security patches, after that date. Support (from the core devs, the PSF, and stops completely on that date. If you want support for 2.7 beyond that day you will have to pay a commercial vendor. Of course it's open source so people are also welcome to fork it. But the core devs have toiled long enough, and the 2020 EOL date (an extension from the originally annouced 2015 EOL!) was announced with sufficient lead time and fanfare that I don't feel bad about stopping to support it at all.


RHEL 8 comes with Python 3.6 providing the commands python and python3.


We recommend using one of the locally-compiled Pythons, e.g. python/gcc/3.10, and then creating virtual environments (or venvs)[4][5] Venvs also have the advantage that they can be easily used by multiple people, e.g. all members of a research group. For an example, see Installing TensorFlow 2.11.0 using pip and venv

We do not recommend Anaconda as it distributes various libraries. Some of these libraries, specifically GPU-related CUDA libraries, may be incompatible with the drivers installed on Picotte’s GPU nodes, and result in either job crashes or even node crashes. Additionally, trying to share a single Anaconda installation between multiple people can be error-prone.

RHEL 8 Python

In addition to Python 3.6, RHEL8 also provides

  • Python 2.7.16, with the command python2

Bright-Provided Python

Bright Cluster Manager provides

  • Python 3.7

with the modulefiles python3 and python37 (these refer to the same module).

Locally-Installed Versions

There are several versions installed:

  • Anaconda Python - modulefile python/anaconda3
  • Python 3.8- modulefile python/gcc/3.8.6
  • Python 3.9 - modulefile python/gcc/3.9.1
  • Python 3.10 - modulefile python/gcc/3.10
  • Python 3.11 - modulefile python/gcc/3.11
  • Intel Python 3.7.7 - modulefile python/intel/2020.4.912

Anaconda Python

To use Anaconda Python, it is not enough to load the modulefile. Additional setup needs to be done, which will modify your login script and provide Anaconda Python for all future login sessions. See: Anaconda#URCF-Installed Anaconda

Other Versions

For the others, just load the listed modulefile.

Intel® Distribution for Python[6] is a distribution of Python including various packages which are optimized for performance on Intel processors.


See: Jupyter



Locally-Compiled Versions


Proteus provides the following versions -- use the command module avail python to see a current list:

  • Python 2.7.9 -- modulefile python/2.7.9
  • Python 2.7.13 -- modulefile python/2.7.13
  • Python 3.4.3 -- modulefile python/3.4.3
  • Python 3.5.0 -- modulefile python/3.5.0
  • Python 3.5.2 -- modulefile python/3.5.2
  • Python 3.6.1 -- modulefile python/3.6.1 or python/intel/2015/3.6.1
  • Python 3.7.4 -- modulefile python/3.7.4 or python/intel/2015/3.7.4

The latest versions have aliased modulefiles:

  • python/2.7-current
  • python/3.5-current
  • python/3.6-current
  • python/3.7-current

These locally-compiled versions are probably faster than the default versions for linear algebra computations.

If you need to compile your own version, because you need an older version of numpy or some other module, please see Compiling Python.

Installed Modules

All locally-compiled versions have the following add-on modules installed:

  • numpy[7]
  • scipy[8]
  • matplotlib[9]
  • pandas[10]
  • biopython[11]
  • scikit-bio[12] (Python >= 3.4 only)
  • scikit-learn[13]


Intel-Optimized Versions

Intel has Intel-optimized (using MKL etc) versions of Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6 available. There is no charge for the "community-supported" version. Download at:

Installed on Proteus

Intel's distribution of Python 3.5 and 3.6 (based on Anaconda[14]) is installed on Proteus. Use one of the modulefiles:

python/intelpython/3.5.3 python/intelpython/3.6.2

Loading python/intelpython/3 will give the latest version in the 3.x series. These versions include TensorFlow.

As of Mar 7, 2019, this uses Python 3.7.1

There are a few conda environments installed for specific Python modules and/or applications. Do "conda env list" to see a list of available environments. Installed environments include the following. Environments may also use versions of Python different from the Python in the base Anaconda installation.

  • pystan
  • biopython (uses Python 3.5.5)
  • qiime (uses Python 2.7.15, and QIIME 1.9.1)

To switch to a new conda environment, do:

conda activateenvironment_name

For example:

[juser@proteusi01 ~]$ conda activate biopython (biopython) [juser@proteusi01]$

Note that your prompt will change to include "(environment_name)" prepended to it.

To exit the environment, do:

conda deactivate

For information on conda environments, see:

You can also create your own (private) environments for your own purposes.

Python Virtualenvs (venv)

You can make use of an existing version of Python on Picotte to install a virtualenv (venv) containing some set of packages/modules that you require. This can be shared with other members of your group. For an example, see: TensorFlow#Installing a Private TensorFlow for Your Research Group with venv

Pipenv Environments

You can leverage any existing Python installation (via modulefiles, your own copy, from Canopy), to create a new "clean" virtual installation with a set of packages that you require for a project using pipenv.[15] You can create multiple environments, each with their own package requirements.

Conda Environments

This applies mostly to both the normal Proteus nodes, and the GPU nodes. Conda environments[16] are a similar idea to virtual environments above, or pip environments. They allow easy switching between sets of Python modules to make up one "application", avoiding the possibility that one module may have a dependency that clashes with another module.

On the GPU Nodes

The GPU nodes have an anaconda3 module which provides several different conda environments with different versions of Python. Use the modulefile:


This gives Python 3.6

There are some Python frameworks which have requirements which clash: these frameworks are separated into their own conda environments:

To activate an environment named "caffe":

conda activate caffe

Once you have completed working in that environment, you can deactivate it to return to the default Anaconda Python with its modules:

conda deactivate

Your own Anaconda installations

If you have your own Anaconda installation, you must set it up in your job scripts before running any conda commands.

In your job script, you must have the line:

export PATH=/my/path/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

before you have any "conda activate ..." commands, or even anything that uses the Python provided by your installation of Anaconda.


Please see: JupyterLab

Installing Your Own Python

This should be your last resort.

The first two below are popular Python distributions. Both use Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL)[17] for accelerated performance on Intel CPUs (but not AMD). Both have their own Python module management system; both also have pip for installing modules not provided by their repositories. The third, Intel Distribution for Python, is an Anaconda-based distribution that also provides optimized libraries for Intel hardware.

You may also compile your own copy. See: Compiling Python

Notes about Anaconda


Anaconda assumes, by default, that is installed for a single user. Modifications must be made to the user's login scripts (using conda init), which make that installation of Anaconda active on every login. This makes it awkward to use more than one Anaconda installation (switching between installations on demand).


With the increased default storage allocation in home directories (64 GiB), you should be able to install Anaconda to your home directory rather than using Miniconda.

However, note that each conda environment you create will consume space, the amount depending on exactly what you install in each conda env.

Proteus Only


If you insist on an Anaconda installation different from the one already available (see above), please install it in the group directory so that the installation may be shared among all members of your research group.

The default full installation of Anaconda 3 Python will exceed the 15 GB quota on home directories. When the quota is reached, load on the fileserver maxes out from generating all the quota warnings, and will cause the fileserver to "block" (i.e. stop responding). This affects the entire cluster. The symptoms for an interactive user is that normal operations like "ls" and editing a file take a long time (several seconds to several minutes).

Setup for Job Scripts

If you do install your own Python, you will likely have to modify your job script. Add the following line after the module load commands:

. ~/.bashrc

Installing Your Own Python Modules

NOTE before installing your own Python modules, check to see if the modules you need are already installed in one of the system-wide Pythons. Some modules need modifications to the standard installation procedure, and a simple "pip install" will not result in a correct installation.

Without using the Software Collections, you can install python modules for yourself using pip. E.g.

[juser@proteusi01 ~]$ python3 -m pip install --user scikit-learn

If you use one of the locally-compiled Pythons, i.e. you did "module load python/2.7-current", the command is still the same. All locally-compiled Pythons provide the pip command.

You may also want to investigate Python Virtual Environments (virtualenv).

If you get warnings like:

InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available.

just install the following:

[juser@proteusa01 ~]$ python3 -m pip install --user "requests[security]"

If the package you want is not listed on PyPI, you can do the following in the directory containing all the package files that you downloaded and expanded -- it looks for "":

[juser@proteusa01 somepkg]$ python3 -m pip install --user .

Python in the Cloud

Google Colaboratory

Google Colaboratory is a cloud-hosted Python environment based on Jupyter. Jupyter Notebooks are stored on your existing Google Drive. Both Python 2 and Python 3 are available. The hosted instances run on GPUs.

Speeding Up Python

  • Cython provides a relatively easy way of generating fast compiled modules for Python.

Accelerating Python with Numba

Numba is an open source Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code.[18] It also allows use of GPUs.

For a brief introduction, see this Youtube video: Make Python code 1000x Faster with Numba

Parallel Execution

Python, in general, does not do parallelism across physical nodes. There are ways to do it, but your software must specifically state that it can do this. This requires one or more Python packages which provide this facility, e.g. MPI for Python.

If the software you use does not specifically state that it can do parallelism across physical nodes, it is at best multithreaded. Please consult your software documentation for details.

For multithreaded code, use the shm PE. See Writing Job Scripts for details.


It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use joblib.Parallel. Instead, write a job array. See: Writing Job Scripts#Array Jobs

Or, use concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor[19] (to bypass the Global Interpreter Lock) or the ThreadPoolExecutor

Python Multiprocessing

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use multiprocessing. Instead, write a job array: Writing Job Scripts#Array Jobs

Or, use concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor[20] (to bypass the Global Interpreter Lock) or the ThreadPoolExecutor

Python has a multiprocessing module (also available in Python 2.7), which provides threaded execution capability.

However, multiprocessing ignores the cgroups system which restricts jobs to using only the number of slots requested in the jobs. The multiprocessing module always uses all available CPU cores on the node. This happens even if there are other jobs running on that node, leading to an overload condition, where there are more threads/processes running than there are CPU cores.

The workaround is this -- to request all "full" nodes, by requesting all cores.

  • If you want to run on AMDs with 64 cores:

#$ -pe shm 64

  • If you want to run on 16-core Intels (the "ua=sandybridge" request is to avoid the 20-core Haswell nodes)

#$ -pe shm 16 #$ -l ua=sandybridge

  • If you want to run on 20-core Intels (n.b. there are only 4 of these in Proteus, so the wait time may be much longer)

#$ -pe shm 20 #$ -l ua=haswell

In particular, the gensim models.ldamulticore object uses multiprocessing and suffers this issue. See also: Gensim

Another workaround, but which depends on your being able to control the use of the multiprocessing package, is to use the following to count the number of CPU cores actually available to your program:

import multiprocessing as mp

def f(x):
    return x*x

ncores = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))

with mp.Pool(ncores) as p:
    print(, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))


[1] Python official website

[2] - Sunsetting Python 2

[3] Python 2 End-of-Life Statement by Guido van Rossum

[4] Python Documentation » The Python Standard Library » Software Packaging and Distribution » venv

[5] Real Python - Python Virtual Environments: A Primer

[6] Intel® Distribution for Python

[7] Numpy website

[8] Scipy website

[9] Matplotlib website

[10] Pandas website

[11] BioPython website

[12] SciKit-bio website

[13] SciKit-Learn website

[14] What is Anaconda?

[15] Pipenv: Python Dev Workflow for Humans

[16] Conda User Guide: Managing Environments

[17] Intel MKL product website

[18] Numba website

[19] [ The Python Standard Library - concurrent.futures - ProcessPoolExecutor

[20] [ The Python Standard Library - concurrent.futures - ProcessPoolExecutor