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NVIDIA GPU Cloud Containers

NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) Containers[1] are available on Picotte via modulefiles, using NGC Container Environment Modules.[2] These containers use Singularity.


NGC container environment modules are available only on the GPU nodes. To use them, do (either in a job script or in an interactive session):

module use /ifs/opt_cuda/ngc-container-environment-modules

To see available modules:

module avail

Available Software

For a complete list of available software, the NGC containers web catalog is more convenient than "module avail".

Software includes:

  • M-Star
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch

Containers Requiring Login/Authentication

Some containers provided by NGC require login to download and use.

  • For those, you will need to sign up for an NVIDIA developer account.
  • Then, sign in to NGC:
  • Once in, you will generate an API key:
    • NOTE this API key will be shown only once. Save it in a private location when it's shown; e.g. use a password saving app. Or you can just generate a new one every time you need one.
  • Then, when you first try to pull a container that requires login, it will prompt for a login and password. For the login, enter the literal string "$oauthtoken" (i.e. without the double-quotes)
$ singularity pull --docker-login something.sif docker://
Enter Docker Username: $oauthtoken
Enter Docker Password: _paste_generated_API_token_here_


We will try to run GROMACS from an NGC container.

First, start an interactive session on a GPU node (because Singularity is not available on the login node):

[juser@picotte001 ~]$ srun -p gpu -G 1 --time=4:00:00 --mem=32G --time=6:00:00 --cpus-per-gpu=12 --pty /bin/bash
[juser@gpu007 ~]$

Next, add the NGC modulefiles directory to your module search path:

[juser@gpu007 ~]$ module use /ifs/opt_cuda/ngc-container-environment-modules

Look for a GROMACS package -- note the ones listed under /ifs/opt_cuda/ngc-container-environment-modules:

[juser@gpu007 ~]$ module avail gromacs
--------------- /ifs/opt_cuda/ngc-container-environment-modules ----------------
   gromacs/2018.2    gromacs/2020.2    gromacs/2021 (D)

----------------------------- /ifs/opt/modulefiles -----------------------------
   gromacs/intel/2020/2021.1    gromacs/intel/2020/2021.3 (D)

-------------------------- /ifs/opt_cuda/modulefiles ---------------------------
   gromacs/cuda11.0/2021.1    gromacs/cuda11.2/2021.3

Load the "gromacs/2021.1" module from the NGC container environment modules:

[juser@gpu007 ~]$ module load gromacs/2020.2

The first time you run the GROMACS executable gmx, NGC will pull the container image, and build it. The "SIF file" is the "Singularity Image File" that is the container. (Output has been truncated here.)

[juser@gpu007 ~]$ gmx
INFO:    Converting OCI blobs to SIF format
WARNING: 'nodev' mount option set on /local, it could be a source of failure during build process
INFO:    Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 59492a727a6b done
Copying config 0ea6d50249 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
2022/02/15 16:05:50  info unpack layer: sha256:59492a727a6b06967eafb9451cacbaddc36be8fb26b7fda7e5a80efe42d7ecb9
2022/02/15 16:05:54  info unpack layer: sha256:b4241e4957a347245621b6e39b90a63c070e57e6e8641af8a778d4cbeea027ca
INFO:    Creating SIF file...
INFO Configured container for NVIDIA GPU architecture sm70
           :-) GROMACS - gmx, 2020.2-dev-20200430-5e78835-unknown (-:

                            GROMACS is written by:
GROMACS:      gmx, version 2020.2-dev-20200430-5e78835-unknown
Executable:   /usr/local/gromacs//sm70/bin/gmx
Data prefix:  /usr/local/gromacs//sm70
Working dir:  /home/dwc62
Command line:

N.B. The paths listed (/usr/local/gromacs//sm70/bin/gmx) are inside the container, and not on the Picotte GPU node.

More complex examples

Please see the NGC Container Environment Modules GitHub README for more complex examples, including a multi-node MPI computation.

See Also


[1] NGC Container Catalog

[2] NGC Container Environment Modules