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Mathematica is technical computing software from Wolfram.[1][2]

Installed Versions


'Mathematica 12.3, 13.0, and 13.2 are installed on Picotte. Use the appropriate modulefile:

mathematica/12.3 mathematica/13.0 mathematica/13.2


Each user must activate Mathematica for themselves, even though everyone uses the same installation. This will be a one-time process, but will have to be repeated for each new version of Mathematica.

  • Create a Wolfram ID using your email address at beforehand which gives access to Wolfram Alpha cloud resources. It also gives you an Activation Key which you will use in the following steps.
    • After registration, go to:
    • Near the bottom of that page is a section “My Products and Services” which should show “Mathematica for Sites” and a download link “Get downloads” in the same line. Click on the “Get downloads” link and you will be on an information page for “Mathematica for Sites”: you just need the Activation Key (a string of text) from that page. You DO NOT need to download anything.
  • Run the "math" command after loading the module.
[juser@picotte001 ~]$ module load mathematica
[juser@picotte001 ~]$ math
Mathematica 13.2.0 Kernel for Linux x86 (64-bit)
Copyright 1988-2022 Wolfram Research, Inc.

Mathematica 13.2.0 Kernel cannot find a valid password.

For automatic Web Activation enter your activation key
(enter return to skip Web Activation): [enter/paste your activation key here]
Automatic Web Activation received a password.

Creating password file entry in:


Documentation and Training

Documentation is provided within the application, and also online at

There are also online training courses provided by Wolfram: Of particular interest, is "HPC: Introduction to HPC and Grid Computing."

Using Mathematica on Picotte

You can use Mathematica interactively, or non-interactively.

Interactive Use

You can use Mathematica interactively on either login node. However, for "heavier" use, please request an interactive job which will run on one of the compute nodes.

To run on the login node, the instructions above for activating Mathematica will set your environment up for also running Mathematica.

To request an graphical interactive session on a compute node, the process is similar to the one for MATLAB#Interactive_Sessions. The command for the graphical version of Mathematica is (note the capitalization):


To run Mathematica without a GUI, the command is:


Non-interactive Use (Job Scripts)

You can use a Wolfram language script,[3] or a Mathematica .m file. We deal with .m files here.

The suggestions here are from Michigan State University's Inst. for Cyber-Enabled Research

You can start with an existing Mathematica notebook. The non-interactive script would just be the input lines. To prepare a script:

  • Clear all output cells. Use the "Cell -> Delete All Output" menu item.
  • Select all remaining cells, which should only be input cells. Use the "Edit -> Select All" menu item, or a keyboard shortcut.
  • Copy the selected cells as "input text": use the "Edit -> Copy As -> Input Text" menu item.
  • Paste the copied text into a new text document using your editor of choice. You can do this on your own computer and upload the newly created .m script to Proteus.

Writing Text Output to Files

You can use the ">>" (two greater than signs) operator to create the file and empty it when created (i.e. overwrite any existing data):

N[Pi, 1000] >>"pi_digits.txt"

And you can keep appending to the file by using the ">>>" (three greater than signs) operator:

N[Pi, 25] >>>"pi_digits.txt"
N[Pi, 50] >>>"pi_digits.txt"
N[Pi, 75] >>>"pi_digits.txt"

Consult Mathematica documentation for more complex output handling using i/o streams and Write[].[4]

Writing Graphical Output to Files

You can export plots to files with the Export[] function:

Export[ "sine_result.svg", Plot[ Sin[ x ], { x, 0, 2*Pi } ] ]

For publication-ready plots, use a vector-based format such as SVG, PS (PostScript), or PDF.

Parallel Execution

Mathematica kernels can run multithreaded on multi-core machines. The default behavior is to use all available cores. That number depends on the specific machine assigned to the job.

Use the "sinfo_detail -p def" command in the shell to see a list of all nodes in the def partition in Picotte; the "CPUS" column shows the number of cores. Remove the "-p def" to see all nodes in all partitions.

[juser@picotte001 ~]$ module load slurm_util
[juser@picotte001 ~]$ sinfo_detail -p def
node001           1 def*   draining@   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000    83516   864000    13.73 maint
node002           1 def*       mixed   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000   186742   864000     3.04 none
node003           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000   100872   864000    48.08 none
node004           1 def*   draining@   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000    75582   864000    16.19 Drained by CMDaemon
node005           1 def*       mixed   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000   186622   864000     3.01 none
node006           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000     4399   864000    48.04 none
node007           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000     1226   864000    48.05 none
node070           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000   170831   864000    48.06 none
node071           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000   172282   864000    48.02 none
node072           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000   106453   864000    48.06 none
node073           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000    31668   864000    48.27 none
node074           1 def*   allocated   48   4:12:1   (null)   192000    51996   864000    21.00 none

Cluster Integration


Example Job Script

See: Slurm - Job Script Example 09 Mathematica


[1] Wolfram Mathematica website

[2] CoE - Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha Pro at Drexel

[3] Wolfram Language & System Documentation: Wolfram Language Scripts Tutorial

[4] Wolfram Language & System Documentation: Write