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MEGAHIT 1.0.6-hotfix1 is a NGS de novo assembler for assembling large and complex metagenomics data in a time- and cost-efficient manner. It finished assembling a soil metagenomics dataset with 252 Gbps in 44.1 and 99.6 h on a single computing node with and without a graphics processing unit, respectively.[1][2]

Installed Version

MEGAHIT 1.0.6-hotfix1 (CPU-only version) is installed on Proteus. Use the modulefile:


Documentation is online. See below.


Please cite according to authors' instructions.

See Also


[1] MEGAHIT: an ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via succinct de Bruijn graph, D. Li, C-M Liu, R. Luo, K. Sadakane and T-W Lam, Bioinformatics (2015)

[2] MEGAHIT GitHub source code repository