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GROMACS is a molecular dynamics software package.[1]


All installed versions are single precision.

Installed Versions

GROMACS 2021.1, 2021.3, and 2023 are installed.

CPU-only versions

This MPI-enabled, compiled with Intel compilers and using Intel MKL for FFTW3. Use the appropriate modulefile:

gromacs/intel/2020/2021.1 gromacs/intel/2020/2021.3

CUDA (GPU) versions

There are two versions installed.

2021.1 is non-MPI, i.e. single node only. It uses GROMACS's "thread MPI" and OpenMP in order to use multiple GPU devices.


2021.3 is MPI, i.e. multi-node. It is also compiled with Intel compilers.


2023 is MPI, i.e. multi-node. It is compiled with GCC.


Example Job Scripts

CPU-only version

#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
#SBATCH --mem=180G
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

module load gromacs/intel/2020/2021.3

### consult Gromacs documentation for appropriate command to use to run MPI

$MPI_RUN $GMXBIN/gmx_mpi mdrun -s something.tpr ...

CUDA version

#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=12
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
#SBATCH --gpu-bind=closest
#SBATCH --gres-flags=enforce-binding
#SBATCH --mem-per-gpu=40G
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

### Modulefiles for software using CUDA
module use /ifs/opt_cuda/modulefiles
module load gromacs/cuda11.2/2021.3

### * each GPU is assigned its own MPI rank (ntasks-per-node)
### * each MPI rank runs multithreaded (cpus-per-task)


### number of threads per rank is specified by OMP_NUM_THREADS
### using any value > 6 will trigger a warning from GROMACS

### benchmarking indicates 5 threads per rank produces best performance
### YMMV please benchmark performance on your own simulations

### consult Gromacs documentation for appropriate command to use to run MPI+GPU

$MPI_RUN -n $NRANKS $GMXBIN/gmx_mpi mdrun -s something.tpr -ntomp $OMP_NUM_THREADS -nb gpu -gpu_id 0123


Installing Your Own

Bioconda provides pre-compiled versions that can be installed using Miniconda:

Proteus (OBSOLETE)

Installed Versions

GROMACS 2016.2, 2016.4, and 2018.1 compiled with Intel Composer XE 2015.1.133 + MKL and OpenMPI are installed on Proteus. Select the modulefile to load:

gromacs/intel/2015/2016.2 gromacs/intel/2015/2016.4 gromacs/intel/2015/2018.1

GROMACS 2018.2 compiled with CUDA is also installed. It is provided after the proteus-gpu modulefile is loaded. It will be in /mnt/HA/opt_cuda90/modulefiles:


All are compiled with default precision, i.e. single.

For the new 40-core Skylake-based nodes, in the queue new.q:


For compilation instructions, see: Compiling GROMACS


See the official documentation on obtaining good performance from mdrun.[2]

CPU version

Note that the GROMACS program executable is gmx_mpi. An alias gmx is defined.

Example script (common portions missing - please fill in for yourself):

#$ -pe fixed16 64
#$ -l ua=sandybridge
#$ -l h_vmem=3000M
#$ -l m_mem_free=2G
#$ -l h_rt=2:00:00

. /etc/profile.d/
module load shared
module load proteus
module load gcc/4.8.1
module load sge/univa
module load gromacs/intel/2015/2016.2

### It is generally more efficient to run fewer MPI ranks (processes),
### with each rank running some number of OpenMP threads.
### The following runs 16 ranks with 4 threads each; note that the
### total number of threads must be equal to the number of slots
### requested: 16 * 4 = 64
### This also assumes that each host (node) has 16 CPU cores.

# the "expr" program does arithmetic
export NRANKS=$( expr ${NHOSTS} \* 4 )
export MPIOPTS="-x OMP_NUM_THREADS -np ${NRANKS} --map-by node:PE=${OMP_NUM_THREADS}"

### DEPRECATED phase out use of this next line
# ${MPI_RUN} -np ${NRANKS} ${GMXBIN}/gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp ${NUM_THREADS} ...

### Use the following line
${MPI_RUN} ${MPIOPTS} ${GMXBIN}/gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm ethanol.0 -dhdl ethanol.0.dhdl.xvg

For more details on running, see the articles on MPI and Writing Job Scripts

For a similar application, see how performance of LAMMPS changes as the distribution of MPI ranks and OpenMP threads changes: LAMMPS#Benchmark_Results_with_Different_Slot_Distributions

In the GROMACS log, you should see messages about the hardware, and the number of ranks and threads:

Running on 2 nodes with total 32 cores, 32 logical cores
  Cores per node:           16
  Logical cores per node:   16
Using 8 MPI processes
Using 4 OpenMP threads per MPI process

New CPU Version for Haswell nodes in new.q


CUDA-enabled Version

GROMACS has GPU acceleration built in.[3] It is a heterogeneous parallelization, using both MPI and CUDA.[4]

Note that no separate openmpi modulefile should be loaded. This build of GROMACS uses the Open MPI that is provided by Mellanox HPC-X.

To enable use of the GPU devices, you must set:

cutoff-scheme = Verlet

GROMACS also suggests changes in the values of nstlist and rlist. (See below.) This means that you should not just re-use the input files from a CPU-only run.

NVIDIA has specific recommendations for distributing ranks and threads for multi-node NAMD jobs on GPUs. (See the summary at NAMD#CUDA-enabled Version using IBVERBS.) The recommendations may apply to GROMACS, as well.

Here is an example job script using the NVIDIA recommendations:

#!/bin/bash -l
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe fixed16 32
#$ -q gpu.q
#$ -l excl
#$ -l gpu=2
#$ -l h_rt=24:00:00
#$ -l m_mem_free=3G
#$ -l h_vmem=200G

module load gromacs/2018.2

### the following values are based on Nvidia's recommendations for NAMD
# there are 2 devices per host; we want 1 MPI rank per device to feed work to the devices
# we want the non-GPU work to be multithreaded:
#    we want the total number of threads (NPES) = total no. of slots - total no. of GPU devices
export NPES=$( expr ${NSLOTS} - ${NHOSTS} \* 2 )

# number of OMP threads per MPI rank is ((no. of CPU cores per host / no. of GPU devices per host) - 1)
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$( expr 16 / 2 - 1 )

export NRANKS=$( expr ${NPES} / ${OMP_NUM_THREADS} )

### so, if we have 32 slots on 2 hosts,
###     NPES = 28
###     OMP_NUM_THREADS = 7
###     NRANKS = 4
### i.e. each host will have 2 ranks (i.e. one rank per GPU device), and each rank
###      runs 7 threads => 28 threads total; the 4 "leftover" CPU cores are
###      free to deal with communicating with the GPU devices

export MPIOPTS="-x OMP_NUM_THREADS -np ${NRANKS} --map-by node:PE=${OMP_NUM_THREADS}"

echo "NRANKS = ${NRANKS}"

${MPI_RUN} ${MPIOPTS} ${GMXBIN}/gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm ethanol.0 -dhdl ethanol.0.dhdl.xvg

Note that:

  • the PE is fixed16

In the GROMACS log, you should see a message listing the GPU devices to be used:

Running on 2 nodes with total 32 cores, 32 logical cores, 4 compatible GPUs
  Cores per node:           16
  Logical cores per node:   16
  Compatible GPUs per node:  2
  All nodes have identical type(s) of GPUs
Hardware detected on host gpu02 (the node of MPI rank 0):
  CPU info:
    Vendor: Intel
    Brand:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz
    Family: 6   Model: 62   Stepping: 4
  GPU info:
    Number of GPUs detected: 2
    #0: NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm, compute cap.: 3.5, ECC: yes, stat: compatible
    #1: NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm, compute cap.: 3.5, ECC: yes, stat: compatible
The number of OpenMP threads was set by environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to 8
Using 4 MPI processes
Using 8 OpenMP threads per MPI process

Note that it also advises some changes in parameters:

For optimal performance with a GPU nstlist (now 10) should be larger.
The optimum depends on your CPU and GPU resources.
You might want to try several nstlist values.
Changing nstlist from 10 to 25, rlist from 0.932 to 1.022

See also: GPU Jobs -- which will explain why the h_vmem value is so high.


Comparison Between CPU-only Version with CUDA-enabled Version

A non-rigorous benchmark showed these performance metrics:

GROMACS flavor Performance in ns/day Performance in day/ns Performance in hour/ns
CPU-only 32 slots Sandy Bridge (using Intel compilers + MKL) 230.719 0.00433 0.104
CUDA-enabled (4 GPU devices) 259.479 0.00385 0.092

See Also


[1] Gromacs website

[2] GROMACS 2016.5 User Guide: Getting good performance from mdrun

[3] GROMACS Documentation: GPU acceleration

[4] GROMACS Documentation: Acceleration and parallelization: Heterogeneous parallelization