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Compiling h5py

h5py is a Python module which provides an interface to the HDF5 data format library.[1]


h5py requires HDF5 >= 1.8.3 This is provided by the hdf5_18/1.8.11 module.

[juser@proteusa01 ~]$ module load hdf5_18

For the h5py installation, you will need to know the base install directory of hdf5:

[juser@proteusa01 ~]$ echo $HDF5DIR /cm/shared/apps/hdf5_18/1.8.11/lib

The relevant part is:

[juser@proteusa01 ~]$ export HDF5_DIR=/cm/shared/apps/hdf5_18/1.8.11


You must have the HDF5_DIR environment variable set before this next step:

[juser@proteusa01 ~]$ pip install --user h5py

Check the list of installed packages:

[juser@proteusa01 ~]$ pip list


[1] h5py Web Site