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Compiling VinaLC

VinaLC[1][2] is a parallelized version of Autodock Vina[3]. VinaLC was created by Lawrence Livermore National Lab.

Compiling on Picotte


intel/composerxe/2020u4 picotte-openmpi/intel/2020/4.1.0 boost/intel/2020/1.75.0


Same steps as for Proteus below.

Compiling on Proteus

The VinaLC code is built with standard tools called autoconf and automake. However, the setup seems to be a little out of date. E.g. the file should properly be named

A modified version for building on Proteus with Intel Composer XE and Open MPI 1.8.1 is available The main changes were to the file Cloning the whole repository and following the official build instructions[4] should work.

This requires Boost and MPI.


The following modulefiles are required:

git/2.16.1 texlive/2016 doxygen/1.8.12 autoconf/2.69 automake/1.16 intel/composerxe/2015.1.133 proteus-openmpi/intel/2015/1.8.1-mlnx-ofed boost/openmpi/intel/2015/1.65.1 zlib/cloudflare/intel/2015/1.2.8

Generate configure Script



Configure, setting prefix, and locations of Boost and MPI:

./configure --prefix=/mnt/HA/groups/myrsrchGrp/opt --with-boost=$BOOSTDIR --with-mpi=$MPI_HOME > & Configure.out &

Build and Install

make -j 4 >& Make.out make install


[1] VinaLC official website

[2] Xiaohua Zhang, Sergio E. Wong, and Felice C. Lightstone. (2013) Message Passing Interface and Multithreading Hybrid for Parallel Molecular Docking of Large Databases on Petascale High Performance Computing Machines. J. Comput. Chem.

[3] Autodock Vina official website

[4] VinaLC Installation instructions