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Compiling OpenFOAM 3.0.x



OpenFOAM is free, open-source software for computational fluid dynamics.[1]

Installed Version

For information on using the pre-installed version on Proteus, see OpenFOAM.


  • Prerequisites:
  • Follow build instructions for the development version:
  • There are, roughly, two components to OpenFOAM:
    • the actual CFD code FOAM -- definitely to be compiled with ICC
    • the GUI analysis tools, based on ParaView (using the Qt GUI toolkit) -- only compiles properly with GCC; has option to use MPI for the compute-intensive analysis tasks, but we will drop that
  • The documented build puts things in the user's home directory, i.e.


  • As compiler, we will use Intel Composer XE 2015 with OpenMPI 1.8.1
  • Some of the ThirdParty packages need to be built first, e.g CGAL.


Source packages are available from the download section of the OpenFOAM website:

Expand and Rename

tar xf OpenFOAM-3.0.1.tar.gz mv OpenFOAM-3.0.x-version-3.0.1 OpenFOAM-3.0.x tar xf OpenFOAM-ThirdParty-3.0.1.tgz mv ThirdParty-3.0.1 ThirdParty-3.0.x

Download Additional Third Party Sources

These third party sources are also required, but are not bundled:

  • boost - 1.60.0 works
  • gmp - 6.1.0 works
  • mpfr - 3.1.3 works
  • metis -5.1.0 is expected[2]

The source tarballs should be expanded in the ThirdParty-3.0.x directory.


Needs a DOS emulator, according to the docs:


Or maybe not.



Load some modules:

module load intel/composerxe/2015.1.133 module load proteus-openmpi/intel/2015/1.8.1-mlnx-ofed module load python/2.7.10

Unpack Source into Final Location

The source code must be unpacked into the top-level directory of the final installation, e.g. into /usr/local/OpenFOAM, or /mnt/HA/opt/OpenFOAM, or ${HOME}/OpenFOAM.

The default location for the source and the resulting executables are:


This will be assigned to the environment variable WM_PROJECT_DIR, as in the next section. From here on, we will refer to this unpacked source directory as WM_PROJECT_DIR.

The source bundle, as distributed, will expand into a directory named:


so this must be moved and/or renamed appropriately.

Edit Shell Environment

Maybe, maybe not. The environment must be set up according to where the source code directories are located. Set these before modifying the env files:

export WM_CC=icc export WM_CXX=icpc export WM_CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -O3 -xHost -fopenmp -fp-model precise" export WM_CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -O3 -xHost -fopenmp -fp-model precise" export WM_COMPILER_ARCH=IccDPInt32Opt

This is accomplished by editing the init file:


and cshrc, if you use a csh variant.

These changes to be made:

foamInstall=/mnt/HA/opt/$WM_PROJECT ... export WM_COMPILER=Icc

Then, execute the file to set the environment variables:

. ${WM_PROJECT_DIR}/etc/bashrc

TODO: may need to add ThirdParty dirs to LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc.


Set environment variable

export WM_DIR=${WM_PROJECT_DIR}/wmake

Set Up Compilation Options a.k.a. rules

In the directory ${WM_DIR}/rules/linux64Icc/, modify these files: cOpt, and c++Opt

### cOpt
cDBUG       =
cOPT        = -no-prec-div -O3 -xHost -fp-model precise
### c++Opt
c++DBUG     =
c++OPT      = -O2 -xHost -fp-model precise

Then, build wmake:

cd $WM_DIR

Third Party

OpenFOAM has configs which set where it expects to find its "third party" packages. There are in $FOAM_ETC/config/ as various shell scripts, e.g. or scotch.csh.

These typically set the root of the installations as something like:

export SCOTCH_VERSION=scotch_6.0.3

but some do not care about the WM_LABEL_OPTION:

### XXX we will modify this for boost in our installation

export BOOST_ARCH_PATH=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$boost_version
export CGAL_ARCH_PATH=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$cgal_version

The top-level OpenFOAM-3.0.x/Allwmake will build Scotch, but not CGAL, boost, gmp, and mpfr. So, those four packages need to be built separately, and installed into the appropriate directory as above.


These are for CGAL, which is required for OpenFOAM:

  • Boost
  • GMP
  • MPFR

Also Metis, which is not distributed along with OpenFOAM source.

NB The OpenFOAM interface to Metis seems to be broken. Will not install Metis.

Source code should be downloaded and expanded into $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR. The makeCGAL script should do the compilation.

And to use parallel builds:

     export WM_NCOMPPROCS=8

It seems like the makeCGAL script is expecting a different layout than the Allwmake script.


./configure CC=icc CXX=icpc CFLAGS="-xHost -O3 -fPIC -fp-model precise" CXXFLAGS="-xHost -O3 -fPIC -fp-model precise" --prefix=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/${WM_ARCH}${WM_COMPILER_ARCH}/gmp-6.1.0 --enable-cxx

make -j 8 make check make install


NB Thread-safety (TLS) seems to be broken, so disable in configure.

./configure CC=icc CXX=icpc CFLAGS="-xHost -O3 -fPIC -fp-model precise" CXXFLAGS="-xHost -O3 -fPIC -fp-model precise" --prefix=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/${WM_ARCH}${WM_COMPILER_ARCH}/mpfr-3.1.3 --with-gmp=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/${WM_ARCH}${WM_COMPILER_ARCH}/gmp-6.1.0 --disable-thread-safe

make -j 8 make check make install


No matter what the actual Boost version is, OpenFOAM sets boost_version=boost-system in OpenFOAM-3.0.x/etc/config/


Edit the wmakefile template:


---     2016-01-27 20:33:17.812369912 -0500
+++  2016-01-27 20:32:44.074585298 -0500
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 OBJ            = .o

 MAKE           = make
-AR             = gcc
+AR             = icc
 ARFLAGS                = -shared -o
 CAT            = cat
-CCS            = gcc
+CCS            = icc
 CCP            = mpicc
 CCD            = mpicc
+CFLAGS         = -O3 -xHost -fp-model precise -DCOMMON_FILE_COMPRESS_GZ -DCOMMON_RANDOM_FIXED_SEED -DSCOTCH_RENAME -Drestrict=__restrict
 CLIBFLAGS      = -shared -fPIC
 LDFLAGS                = -Xlinker --no-as-needed -lz -lm -lrt
 CP             = cp

Manually Munge the Platform Directory

cd $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/${WM_ARCH}${WM_COMPILER} ln -s $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/${WM_ARCH}${WM_COMPILER_ARCH}/lib . ln -s $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/${WM_ARCH}${WM_COMPILER_ARCH}/gmp-6.1.0 . ln -s $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/${WM_ARCH}${WM_COMPILER_ARCH}/mpfr-3.1.3 . ln -s boost_1_60_0 boost-system


Requires the following, which need to be downloaded separately into the appropriate directory. Using unoptimized system versions is the default behavior:

  • Boost
  • GMP
  • MPFR

The makeCGAL script will build Boost, but not GMP or MPFR. Those two need to be built and installed in the appropriate platforms subdirectory, first. See above.

First, edit the makeCGAL script so that Boost is built with the same compiler, i.e. Intel. The diff is below:

--- /mnt/HA/opt/src/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-3.0.1/makeCGAL  2015-12-14 03:36:57.264335875 -0500
+++ ./makeCGAL  2016-01-25 18:11:09.743207164 -0500
@@ -131,6 +131,13 @@

+if [ "$WM_COMPILER" = "Icc" ]
+    BOOST_TOOLSET=intel
 if [ -d "$BOOST_ARCH_PATH" ]
@@ -150,7 +157,7 @@
             --prefix=$BOOST_ARCH_PATH \
             --with-libraries=thread \
             --with-libraries=system \
-        && ./bjam toolset=$WM_CC -j $WM_NCOMPPROCS install \
+        && ./bjam toolset=$BOOST_TOOLSET -j $WM_NCOMPPROCS install \
         && echo "Built: boost"
     ) || {
         echo "Error building: boost"

GMP and MPFR need to be dealt with differently.

Then, compile:

./makeCGAL boost_1_60_0 gmp-6.1.0 mpfr-3.1.3

This puts boost in:


All Remaining ThirdParty Packages (except Qt & ParaView)



The makeQt script seems to fail. Run it once till it fails. Then, cd to the qt build directory and modify config.status so that gcc and g++ are used. Also add CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS as needed.

Build and install:

./config.status make -j 8 make install


  • Must be built from source because OpenFOAM has ParaView modules that need to be built, requiring ParaView headers.
  • Read

    • In particular: > The ParaView-4.3.¼.4.0 source-pack provided by KitWare will > not build and install correctly without a minor correction: > lines 653-656 must be removed or commented from file > ThirdParty-dev/ParaView-4.?.?/Qt/Components/CMakeLists.txt > after unpacking and renaming the ParaView-4.?.? directory. > This is because the file ui_pqExportStateWizard.h referred to > in the lines 653-656 … does not exist and cannot be installed > causing the build and installation to fail.

    • And the fix to VTK/IO/Geometry/vtkSTLReader.cxx

Build OpenFOAM

Finally, build OpenFOAM itself:

cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR ./Allwmake

Adding New Utility Code

Errors due to "missing" .H file

If there are errors about a missing .H file, add a line to the EXE_INC definition in the utility's Make/options file:[3]


This include should be the first, e.g. (Note the backslash "\" at the end of the line)

    -I$(LIB_SRC)/meshTools/lnInclude \
    -I$(LIB_SRC)/postProcessing/postCalc \

See Also


[1] OpenFOAM Foundation website

[2] METIS Official Website

[3] OpenFOAM development forum: Error making a new utility code: "cyclicAMILduInterface.H: No such file or directory"