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Thank you for using Drexel’s URCF high performance computing resources. We hope this facility will help you achieve your research goals.


Definitive policies are posted on the main Research Core Facilities URCF page.

User accounts

Picott user accounts are managed solely by URCF staff and are not connected with your normal Drexel account. Each member of a research group must have their own account: accounts are not to be shared. The PI has final approval on accounts for their group members. Collaborators external to Drexel may also be granted accounts, although this requires filing a .

Group members should request URCF accounts using this web form.

If any user account should be terminated, please contact

User account policies and the URCF participation policy are laid out here.

Charge Rates

The definitive rates can be found here.

Facility Description for Proposals

Boilerplate text for the URCF facility description can be found here: Facility Description for Proposals

Acknowledgement of URCF in Publications

We would appreciate an acknowledgement of the use of the URCF in your publications. The following line should appear in your publication:

Work reported here was run on hardware supported by Drexel's University Research Computing Facility.

Please also forward to citations for any work done using URCF facilities to be published on the our publications page.

This may also include dissertations.

This boilerplate and email link are also here: Acknowledging URCF in Publications


All requests for support should be emailed to: This generates a ticket in our issue tracking system and maintains a record of all correspondence related to the issue.

Software Installation

Research groups are expected to maintain the specialized research software they require, and to ensure correctness of operation. While URCF staff may assist in installing software, URCF staff’s first priority is issues that affect overall opeartions and the URCF data center. URCF staff may also lack the specialized knowledge to evaluate the correctness of research software.

There are many (~200) software packages already installed, so the software required for your work may already be available. Please see the documentation wiki.

Use for Coursework

The URCF may be used in coursework. Notice should be given to URCF staff at least 3 weeks before the end of the term prior to the one when the course is to be taught. URCF Governing Board approval is required for coursework usage. Restrictions on coursework usage may be imposed to reduce the impact on research workloads.

Policies for coursework accounts are laid out here.