Job Script Example 05 pyRAD
This is an example of using PyRAD. The example may be found in:
Please see the README file in that directory.
This is a translation of the author's tutorial.[1] The original tutorial is presented in a Jupyter[2] notebook, which merely runs a lot of standard Linux commands. We extract them into typed-out commands, and a job script.
This translation will not include detailed commentary.
Load the necessary modulefiles:
[juser@proteusa01 pyrad-tut]$ module load python/2.7-current vsearch muscle pyrad
Download Sample Data
Download the example data set, and expand it.
[juser@proteusa01 pyrad-tut]$ wget -q
[juser@proteusa01 pyrad-tut]$ unzip
This should create these two files:
Create pyRAD params.txt file
Create params.txt
[juser@proteusa01 pyrad-tut]$ pyRAD -n
Modify the file to look like this:
==** parameter inputs for pyRAD version 3.0.5 **======================== affected step ==
./ ## 1. Working directory (all)
./*.fastq.gz ## 2. Loc. of non-demultiplexed files (if not line 16) (s1)
./*.barcodes ## 3. Loc. of barcode file (if not line 16) (s1)
vsearch ## 4. command (or path) to call vsearch (or usearch) (s3,s6)
muscle ## 5. command (or path) to call muscle (s3,s7)
TGCAG ## 6. Restriction overhang (e.g., C|TGCAG -> TGCAG) (s1,s2)
4 ## 7. N processors (parallel) (all)
6 ## 8. Mindepth: min coverage for a cluster (s4,s5)
4 ## 9. NQual: max # sites with qual < 20 (or see line 20)(s2)
.85 ## 10. Wclust: clustering threshold as a decimal (s3,s6)
rad ## 11. Datatype: rad,gbs,pairgbs,pairddrad,(others:see docs)(all)
4 ## 12. MinCov: min samples in a final locus (s7)
3 ## 13. MaxSH: max inds with shared hetero site (s7)
c85m4p3 ## 14. Prefix name for final output (no spaces) (s7)
==== optional params below this line =================================== affected step ==
## 15.opt.: select subset (prefix* only selector) (s2-s7)
## 16.opt.: add-on (outgroup) taxa (list or prefix*) (s6,s7)
## 17.opt.: exclude taxa (list or prefix*) (s7)
## 18.opt.: loc. of de-multiplexed data (s2)
## 19.opt.: maxM: N mismatches in barcodes (def= 1) (s1)
## 20.opt.: phred Qscore offset (def= 33) (s2)
## 21.opt.: filter: def=0=NQual 1=NQual+adapters. 2=strict (s2)
## 22.opt.: a priori E,H (def= 0.001,0.01, if not estimated) (s5)
## 23.opt.: maxN: max Ns in a cons seq (def=5) (s5)
8 ## 24.opt.: maxH: max heterozyg. sites in cons seq (def=5) (s5)
## 25.opt.: ploidy: max alleles in cons seq (def=2;see docs) (s4,s5)
## 26.opt.: maxSNPs: (def=100). Paired (def=100,100) (s7)
## 27.opt.: maxIndels: within-clust,across-clust (def. 3,99) (s3,s7)
## 28.opt.: random number seed (def. 112233) (s3,s6,s7)
## 29.opt.: trim overhang left,right on final loci, def(0,0) (s7)
* ## 30.opt.: output formats: p,n,a,s,v,u,t,m,k,g,* (see docs) (s7)
## 31.opt.: maj. base call at depth>x<mindepth (def.x=mindepth) (s5)
## 32.opt.: keep trimmed reads (def=0). Enter min length. (s2)
## 33.opt.: max stack size (int), def= max(500,mean+2*SD) (s3)
## 34.opt.: minDerep: exclude dereps with <= N copies, def=1 (s3)
## 35.opt.: use hierarchical clustering (def.=0, 1=yes) (s6)
## 36.opt.: repeat masking (def.=1='dust' method, 0=no) (s3,s6)
16 ## 37.opt.: vsearch max threads per job (def.=6; see docs) (s3,s6)
==== optional: list group/clade assignments below this line (see docs) ==================
Suggestion for lines 7 and 37: TBA.
Create Job Script and Submit
Then, write this job script for submission.
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -P myrsrchPrj
#$ -M
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_rt=2:00:00
#$ -l m_mem_free=3g
#$ -l h_vmem=4g
#$ -l vendor=amd
#$ -pe shm 64
. /etc/profile.d/
module load shared
module load sge/univa
module load gcc
module load proteus
module load python/2.7-current
module load vsearch
module load muscle
module load pyrad
pyRAD -p params.txt -s 1
pyRAD -p params.txt -s 2
pyRAD -p params.txt -s 3
pyRAD -p params.txt -s 4
pyRAD -p params.txt -s 5
pyRAD -p params.txt -s 6
pyRAD -p params.txt -s 7
### Instead of doing those seven steps separately, you should be able to do it all in one go. See documentation.
The final stats will be in the file "stats/c85m4p3.stats
Resource Usage
The resource usage from running this exact example is (see the file
qname all.q
group urcfadm
owner dwc62
project urcfadmPrj
department defaultdepartment
jobnumber 241240
taskid undefined
account sge
priority 0
cwd /lustre/scratch/examples/pyRAD
submit_cmd qsub
qsub_time 08/11/2015 00:30:25.173
start_time 08/11/2015 00:30:26.327
end_time 08/11/2015 00:39:16.929
granted_pe shm
slots 64
failed 0
deleted_by NONE
exit_status 0
ru_wallclock 530.602
ru_utime 1571.871
ru_stime 312.234
ru_maxrss 67260
ru_ixrss 0
ru_ismrss 0
ru_idrss 0
ru_isrss 0
ru_minflt 33705489
ru_majflt 94
ru_nswap 0
ru_inblock 66576
ru_oublock 198264
ru_msgsnd 0
ru_msgrcv 0
ru_nsignals 0
ru_nvcsw 263490
ru_nivcsw 58258
cpu 1884.105
mem 583.045
io 1.255
iow 0.000
maxvmem 2.855G
maxrss 229.281M
maxpss 164.399M
arid undefined
jc_name NONE
- run time (wallclock): about 9 minutes
- total memory usage (maxvmem): 2.855 GiB
[1] pyRAD SE RAD Tutorial - Example de novo RADseq assembly using pyRAD